Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Knowing Jesus is the Lord Cognitively Isn't Enough

James 2:19 "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-- and shudder."

In today's world we easily dismiss our sin and say we're only human. God understands that I am a fallen person in a fallen world... Not surprisingly, this is a true statement. But, who is this message for? Is it those who make excuses for bad behavior or someone who has true faith that makes mistakes, but repents and continues on in their relationship with the Lord?

What is true faith? Most modern Christians would agree that we are saved by faith through Grace. But, that doesn't answer the question, what is faith?. According to James' statement above just knowing and believing in God isn't enough because even the demons believe and they are going to perish in hell. So we are not talking about simple cognitive belief. So, what did Jesus have to say about the type of faith that will save?

Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'"

There are a few of things that we must not overlook here: First, calling Jesus, "Lord", would indicate that the people he was sending to hell had a basic belief in the deity of Jesus. Who else would recognise him as Lord but someone who calls themselves a Christian. Right? Second, we see that Christian service doesn't get us in with the Lord. I submit that true Christians must submit to the Lord in service, but that it is not this act alone that demonstrates true faith. So, recognizing and believing that Jesus is who he says he is isn't enough and all the Christian work in the world won't earn our salvation. We now know two things that are not necessarily faith. What is it that Jesus says is his objection with these people that he dismisses from his presence? HE NEVER KNEW THEM! This is a demand for an ongoing relationship and I believe it is one aspect of faith that is lacking from many Christian lives. Lastly, he points to OBEDIENCE to the will of God as being a qualifier for those that are going to heaven.

The very way that we live our lives is evidence of true faith or the lack thereof. It's not that being really good saves us, but obedience is one thing that he says we can look for in someone who has true faith. Obedience to God's will in all things is a trait of the saved person. Be careful here, I am not suggesting that you can save yourself by being really good. That is impossible. If you could save yourself Christ would not have needed to be so brutally murdered to save yours and my soul. But, true faith is a certain brand. God increases our faith through trial. We must continually choose to follow him and strive for obedience.

That brings back to the original question. What is true faith? True faith always involves a commitment made to God. It is a commitment that you will follow him the rest of your days. Have a consistant relationship with him on his terms. Though we will fall even when we have faith, faith makes up get up, not make excuses, repent and follow again. We seek obedient lives and not lives that lead us into the world. True faith WILL cause your life to stand out to those around you. You WON'T fit in with the world... you will stand out because you will be a light to the world (Matt 5:14-16). A light doesn't blend in so that you don't know it's there. It brightens the darkness around it and can be seen from miles away. Just like a lighthouse on a hill. It's light can be seen from miles away.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to be that light. We are called to obedience even when it isn't comfortable.

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